
Welcome to Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical (DMFM).
The Daisy Mountain Fire District was formed in 1989 and serves the residents of Anthem, Black Canyon City, Cave Creek, Desert Hills, and New River. Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical spans two counties (Maricopa and Yavapai County) and protects a population of about 60,000 residents under the direction of Fire Chief Brian Tobin.
Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical is an organization that strives for excellence in every aspect. DMFM employs 118 personnel, staffs six fire stations, has a Special Operations Division that includes a Regionally deployable Hazardous Materials and Technical Rescue Response Team, as well as a Nationally deployable Wildland Response Team. The district covers approximately 250 square miles, which includes a dangerous 35 mile stretch of I-17 from Carefree Highway to Badger Springs Road.
DMFM is one of 26 departments (Automatic Aid System) dispatched by the Phoenix Regional Dispatch Center. As a member of the Automatic Aid System, jurisdictional boundaries are erased and the closest fire truck is dispatched to an emergency.
Having a second-to-none dispatching system allows us to provide an exceptional level of service to our citizens. From the activation of the 911 system, to response times averaging four minutes or less; customers can expect highly trained, highly dedicated members of DMFM to show up to an emergency and deliver exceptional customer service. This exceptional level of customer service is a direct reflection of strong leadership, the motivation of our members, and the high standards that our members are expected to meet.
DMFM is always looking for innovative ways to serve and protect the community to provide the best service possible while still being fiscally responsible of the taxpayers dollar.
On behalf of the men and women that serve the community we would like to extend to you an open invitation to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of service to you.
Best regards,
Brian Tobin, Fire Chief