Honor Guard

The DMFM Honor Guard is personally funded through its members. They purchase their uniforms and all travel costs. These men and women have continued to support all those who have fallen in the line of duty, their families, and funerals after retirement. http://firefighterscharities.org/index.html
The DMFM Honor Guard was established in May, 2010. It is made up of 12 sworn members who, on a volunteer basis, demonstrate their commitment to the Fire Service and their Community by participating in Memorials and Special Events, both locally and at the National level. The mission of the Daisy Mountain Fire & Medical Honor Guard is to honor fallen firefighters, their families, departments, and DMFM members, past and present. The DMFM Honor Guard is also dedicated to supporting our community by taking an active role in civic functions and special events. Since its inception, the DMFM Honor Guard has taken a proactive approach to Honoring Valley and National Firefighters along with Community support and involvement.