Daisy Mountain Fire Board

The Daisy Mountain Fire District is governed by a five member non-partisan board elected at large by the registered voters of the Fire District. Board members are elected to alternating four-year terms so there are at least two members elected every two years. The Board establishes policy and approves the annual budget. As a special district of the State, the Daisy Mountain Fire District must comply with all applicable Arizona Revised Statutes such as the Open Meeting Laws. The Fire District holds open public meetings on the fourth Monday of every month via Zoom.
Quorum Notice for FS147 Dedication Celebration.docxPLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Governing Board of the Daisy Mountain Fire District pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.09, hereby gives notice that it will hold its regular meetings on the following dates, time and location. All of the Fire Board meetings are open to the public.
When: The Fourth Tuesday of each month at 1800 hrs
Where: DMFM Administration Office: 41018 N. Daisy Mountain Dr., Anthem, AZ 85086 and via Zoom - Meeting ID# 623 465 7400
This notice shall be considered valid and only to be terminated upon superseding notice filed with the Board of Supervisors and posted at the following locations.
- Fire Station 141 - 43814 N. New River Rd. - New River, AZ 85087
- Fire Station 142 - 41104 N. Daisy Mountain Dr. - Anthem, AZ 85086
- Fire Station 145 - 1120 W. Desert Hills Rd. - Phoenix, AZ 85086
- Fire Station 146 - 3116 W. New River Rd. - New River, AZ 85086
- Fire Station 143 - 35050 S. Old Black Canyon Hwy - Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
- Fire Administration - 41018 N. Daisy Mountain Dr. - Anthem, AZ 85086
*Agendas are available at the Fire District Administrative Facility - not less than 24-hours prior to each meeting.